Welcome! We’re Glad You’re Here!


What to Expect

It is never easy to visit a new church for the first time so we want to be as helpful as we can to make your experience a good one.  A few people dress up, but most people choose to dress down and come casual. We want you to know that you can come the way that you feel most comfortable.

Due to COVID19, for the time being, Sunday school is meeting in a converted mobile home and services are held in a large outdoor tent (crazy – but cool). The tent has a gravel floor and a woodstove for heat, and hot coffee and treats are available to warm your insides!  We have the land and the vision to build our new building and are presently working through the process. The new well was just drilled, and God provided good water in abundance!  God willing, ground-breaking will happen in 2024. We are looking forward to our new facility, yet don’t want to minimize our ministry until then.  We are excited about our future and would like you to jump in with us and enjoy the ride!

Coffee Time
Coffee and fellowship are a big part of our Church family. All are invited to join us for coffee and the freshly baked “goodie” of the day before and after services.

Our worship time is set aside for communicating with God from our hearts. We have a mix of live upbeat worship songs, as well as more intimate ones. Everyone worships in their own unique way – for many, that means singing & clapping, and for others it means quietly reflecting on the words. You’re welcome to do whatever makes you feel most comfortable.

Each week we worship God through the giving of tithes and offerings.  This is an act of worship that allows us to thank God for all of the great work He is doing in our lives. Tithes and offerings are accepted online and in-person.  As a guest, please do not feel obligated to give.

The Message
Every weekend, you will hear a relevant, straight-forward message that is based on Scripture, and is designed to be helpful in your everyday life. Pastor George always invites the Holy Spirit to have His way with the message, so that we will not just feel good, but have a life changing experience. We trust that these messages will help you develop a growing, vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ and provide a strong biblical foundation for your life. You can also find these weekly messages on YouTube at MaytownChurch.

On the first Sunday of each month, we celebrate communion together. Anyone can participate in this time of reflection and prayer – as long they biblically know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. The juice and bread that we share represent the life Jesus gave up so that our sins could be forgiven.

After the Service
After the service you are free to leave, or you can hang out and have more coffee and fellowship with others. This is a great way to get to know people better and ask any questions that you may have.

Please feel free to contact our office if you have any questions:
Church office and voicemail: 360-584-9746
E-mail:  MaytownAG@gmail.com
E-mail Pastor George:  pgcoley@gmail.com